Beauty Sheenr Pattern is one of those kinds and retro styles of quilts that you can and should make for your home, or indeed for your room. What is the point of this pattern that we are bringing to you today? Simple, a wonderfully beautiful pattern that can be used for any special occasion.

Beauty Sheenr Pattern
Beauty Sheenr Pattern

Beauty Sheenr Pattern

This pattern then becomes a retro one that even reminds us of our grandmothers and the way they used to make their beds with beautiful quilts in the most varied patterns and color ways we can imagine, from the most intense colors to the simplest ones of a single color.

What is most interesting about this pattern is the simple and unique colors that we can make with it, so that unique colors such as pink, light pink, red, light red and others are really the most intense and exciting to make.

This pattern can also be made with various types of fabrics being square and then placed or sewn as if they were rhombuses, what do you think? And to make it better we can use several prints that also look wonderful, right?

This pattern of course we have to talk about it is from or in this case known as AFG and that has beautiful fabrics for us to buy and make several others. I hope you have enjoyed this beautiful pattern!

So let’s now give some tips on how to combine colors and how you should use them. Don’t worry about the way we’re going to do it, it will be important and you can even use it in your home decor if you wish. So, let’s go to the tips?

Do not combine large prints, especially of the same pattern. Example: two large floral prints Chess is great with floral, when in doubt, combine with your base color: white, black, red, etc. For stripes, use the same tip as for plaid.

Observe the colors that compose the fabric’s pattern. And, from there, use the colors that talk to each other to make the combinations. Large florals look great with small florals.
When in doubt when choosing the lining of your piece, always have fabrics in shades of beige, they are wild cards in your projects.

Use points of light in very strong colored pieces, i.e., white and beige balance your color harmonization. Composé is the mixing of prints, colors, and fabric patterns that create a main base.

Beauty Sheenr Pattern
Beauty Sheenr Pattern

Coordinated fabrics are combinations of fabrics that use a few different prints of the same color or vice versa. Many fabric stores already sell the fabrics and their componsés, making it easy for you to make combinations.

Make your own compositions of fabrics and prints. Take a chance and surprise yourself.
We hope you have enjoyed this article and that you can make incredible patterns for your Christmas, to decorate your home, and whatever your imagination allows. Another important detail is that you should test it with smaller pieces, and if you like the way it looks, just make the size you want.[download_after_email id=”1006″]



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