Glittering Gems Pattern , You’II want to grab your scrap basket to create this charming bed-size quilt. Designer June Vogltance suggests dividing your fabrics into two groups-light prints and dark prints. Then you’II be set to tackle this scrap project with ease.
Glittering Gems Pattern
Glittering Gems Pattern
This is a very nice pattern. As you can see, using colors such as red, black, orange or even a preferable one will give you a wonderful pattern.
Designer Notes: June Vogltance created the quilt shown /efi usi11g more than 150 <lifferent prints. For i11formatio11 011 ordering a scrap fabric kit, see the Resource Guide 011 page 85. The cutting template 11eeded to make this quilt can bc eut using the Easy Angle too created by Sharon Hultgrcn. For i11formatio11 011 this too!, see the Resourcc Guidc 011 page 85. Cut the Fabrics To make the best use of your fabrics, cut the pieces i11 the order that follows.
2. Glittering Gems Download
Now that you have an idea of the pattern some details not so detailed But we managed to present the pattern for you Glittering Gems Pattern it is clear that it is time to download for you to enjoy as much as possible then. To do this just click the download button below put your best e-mail and wait to receive if it does not happen just leave a comment here.[download_after_email id=”1439″ css=”off”]
Glittering Gems pattern I am trying to download but not coming through