Raspberry Quilt Pattern free


Raspberry Quilt Pattern was sent to us by an anonymous reader who found this pattern just as beautiful and frankly I love the various shades of pink in this pattern. From what I could see in the PDF this pattern was created by Caroline Hadley from geometriquilt.com, which she made a perfect combination of using geometric shapes with pink tones.

Raspberry Quilt Pattern

Raspberry Quilt Pattern
Raspberry Quilt Pattern – image by https://geometriquilt.com/

Raspberry Quilt Pattern draws attention because it is not only a pattern, but because of the geometric shape created, and we can see Caroline Hadley’s love for creating the pattern, and for using the geometric shapes for a perfect performance of the final idea.

Usually in patterns like this Raspberry Quilt Pattern, we can see some things from the designer deep down that usually a creation shows who its creator is. By using shades of pink and pure rose, we see that the person has a heart full of love, because it is said that people who love pink and red colors are people who have a heart full of love, be it for animals, be it for plants, be it for people, or any other that makes them feel happy.

And it goes far beyond just loving and being loved, this pattern used on a beautiful quilt clearly shows, (it can be a quilt, tablecloth, or other), that the person is happy and also has dreams to be fulfilled. [et_bloom_inline optin_id=optin_8]

And do you have a dream that you really want to be realized? If you are a beginner in sewing, or as a quilter you know that you will have a long way to go, you will need to give up sleeping some nights and stay awake to learn or even create your own projects or Quilt free Pattern.

So how about we do this beautiful and wonderful project together? Let’s go back to the pattern, I think I got carried away here (laughs).

Geometry is a strong ally of those who love to make quilts, be it a set, a simple rug or the most complete quilt pattern and perhaps the most complicated of all the famous 3D quilts. Can you imagine this Raspberry Quilt Pattern in 3D?

It all depends on the geometry and can be both wonderfully beautiful and terribly complicated to make, but there is no such thing as impossible for a quilter, and so works like this Raspberry Quilt Pattern made by Caroline Hadley can be made in the most varied colors and geometric shapes.

Want to make your own Raspberry Quilt Pattern now? Then you can make it and change the colors or use the same colors, make it the same size or bigger or smaller, well as I always say it is up to each one to decide what they want and how they want to do it. I hope you enjoyed this wonderful Raspberry Quilt Pattern.[opd id=”98″]


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